The Settlement Plan
In the Settlement Plan your group will set out how you will meet the needs of the family, both before and after their arrival. The Settlement Plan will provide details on what support you will be able to provide and will address the who, how, when and where of the support that you can offer.
Ensure you include as much detail as possible in the Settlement Plan. Below is a list of some of the areas you will have to detail in your Settlement Plan:
An arrival plan that details how you will meet the family at the airport;
Orientation details - for both local community and family;
Proof of funds - details of fundraising activities and a draft budget;
Evidence of suitable accommodation or a clear plan as to how it will be secured;
Access to language courses that will be available to the family;
Sourcing of school places in your community;
Identification of local GP and Dental services - willing to accept new medical card patients;
Details of support accessing social welfare mechanisms;
Details of your group’s Child Safeguarding Policy and evidence that safeguarding training has been completed by all members;
Evidence of Garda Vetting undertaken by all group members;
Details of how the transportation available to the family;
Details of interpretation and translation services that will be available to the family.