Fundraising Tips
Before submitting your Settlement Plan your group will need to raise a minimum of €10,000 to support the family financially. Some tips to consider when deciding what fundraising activities your group will use include:
Be open and clear
Be clear why you are asking people to donate to your cause. Make sure donors know who the money will benefit and how it will be used.
Use blogs and social media effectively
Create an online presence using blogs, Facebook, Twitter, or other popular social media platforms. These establish your legitimacy and provide you with a place to solicit online donations and update donors on your progress. If your group is using social media, ask your group members to engage their own networks to share their posts to reach new audiences. Give clear instructions on how to donate. Keep repeating your ask and share updates when you reach certain thresholds.
Create an online fundraising page
There are websites where your group can set up a fundraising page and collect donations. Make sure to check the terms and conditions of any website you use to see that you are happy with them. Add the link to your fundraising page to all your social media accounts and posts.
Share your ask with your personal networks
Ask your friends, neighbours, colleagues, other community groups, and family to donate to your sponsorship effort. Make sure they are aware of why your group needs this money.
Share your ask beyond your personal networks
Local businesses, institutions, or places of worship in your community may wish to contribute. Write to or visit them to explain what you are doing. They may be able to donate money, skills, time, or expertise.
Set a fundraising challenge
Some of your group members might be up for a fundraising challenge such as running, walking, or cycling. Make it interesting, fun, and safe. Plan the challenge over a period of days so it reaches as many people as possible (e.g. cycling 10 miles for 10 days) and solicit pledges. Keep your audience updated with your progress on the challenge.
Distribute leaflets in your area
Use Google Maps to divide your neighbourhood into sections and ask members of your group to distribute leaflets asking for donations on specific streets. Ask your library and local shops if they would be willing to display these leaflets. Leaflets should state clearly how people can donate.
Be creative!
Consider selling items such as old books, badges, cards, and t-shirts you have designed or organising activities such as a wine tasting, a musical performance, or a bake sale. Be creative and explain to attendees that the proceeds will go towards refugee sponsorship.
DOWNLOAD: Community Sponsorship_Fundraising Tips
* It is important that, as you conduct your fundraising activities, your group does not purport to be a charity or lead the public to believe that you are a charity. More information on this is available on the Group Constitution page.
* You should also be aware of and avail of The Open Community's free Insurance Policy available to all community sponsorship groups that will provide public liability cover as you carry out your fundraising activities.